So you want more from your favorite online game but can't afford it, or you're like me and are just too much of a saver to do it? Well don't worry , I'll show you how to get all those perks and items for free! That's right you don't have to pay a single cent. Step One: Sign Up It can be completed in three easy substeps (not dubsteps). First give them any e-mail you have access to, it can even be a spam e-mail (actually I'd recommend it, they send recommendations of good offers to check out a lot). Second, click the confirmation link in the e-mail they send you. Finally try out the site! You don't have to do anything else to give the site a good look over as a trial member! Step 2: Complete Registration So now you've given the site a good thrice over, or more, and you're ready to get started. Here's where you complete registration, give them your address and full nam...